29 March 2011

First mobile post, sample day in the life of me

Beautiful day. Drop spouse at work via car. Get home, dawn, eat, get bicycle. Misty, cool, aromatic. Pass by, and think of, my new motorbike while bicycling to class at uni. Work not notable, observe standard employee drama and notice attractive attention seeking people. Walking though the quad, air filled with the yummy scent of sausages on grills for breakfast tacos at the crack of noon. Show up early for philosophy dialogue class, chat about cultural relativism with a couple of classmates. Calendar reminder on smart phone pops up reminding me I will be turning 1 million seconds old tonight. Dialogue on sustainable capitalism and cover reading of John Ikerd's take on what is wrong and how to reasonably fix it. Next class a presentation on rhetoric in environmental  discussion in the form of a Jeopardy game. Fun. It is raining lightly, leave bike and take bus home. Get home, pick up mail, appeal denied. Eat pizza and drink Thai tea for comfort. Pick spouse up from work, watch The Colbert Report and The Daily Show on Hulu, go to bed, cuddle, and finish posting this using Google Blogger app on HTC EVO using Swype.


It would be great if they discover other verses in my time and then have to convert to calling everything part of the omniverse or infiniverse. Of course, various people might call our verse the 'omegaverse' out of desperate self-righteous willful ignorance, perhaps even using pseudoscience.

I have observed speculation that the college generation of today should be living for 2-300 years; speculation that a technological singularity will occur from developing a self-improving super-human intelligence system between 2005 and 2030; you got the whole 2012 jazz; the revelation/2nd coming/apocalypse; and speculation that we are causing a mass extinction of non-human-centered species due to the consequences of anthropocentric terraforming and industrialization...may you live in interesting times, eh?